It's time once again to say "Goodbye" to 2013 and "Howdy Hey" to 2014. Every year on New Years, I think about what is in store for me. I remember last year I thought, "Holy cow, this year I'm gonna graduate and go to college and leave home. What a big year!!" And a big year it has been.

At the beginning of the year I sang with these 9th Avenue ladies at Battle of the Bands at my High School.

Over Daddy's college Spring Break came our family's trip to Disneyland! So much fun, and we were all the perfect ages for it.

Over the kid's spring break, we went for my sister's Sweet 16 road trip to exciting Moab!

Late spring brought some highly anticipated and bittersweet changes. First, the final choir concert of high school (been with these gorgeous girls singing and dancing since Junior High).

Then LDS Seminary graduation.

Then High School Graduation!!
Summer brought many things.

A second job.

My first big purchase (of my life).

My second big purchase (of my life).
A Cafe Rio Mint Limeade addiction (great way to beat the heat).

A Grey's Anatomy addiction (really, where had it been all my life??).

Diving into a YSA Ward head first by going to Summit with this girl!

Learning how to write to a bagillion missionaries due to the age-change.



The Philippines

Callifornia, Oregon, California

Minnesota and California (again).
Then came autumn time, a new home, and a new school.

Got all packed up to move away.

Moved to college.

Signed up for/participated in my first rodeo.

Had a blast being fun and crazy!!
Now it's winter time, and the Holidays have come and gone. I'm preparing for another fantastic semester with many more adventures to come!!
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