Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This is Halloween

Okay, so maybe it's the day before Halloween, but whatevs. :)

When it comes to dressing up...


last photo cred to Whimsy Girl Photography

...I'm not the resident expert, but I like throwing something fun together. Also, I'd much rather dress like something from the past, than something that's trendy now. This year I didn't think I'd be dressing up for Halloween, but then my roommates and I got invited to a Halloween party, so I had to come up with something. After much deliberation, and a Facebook shout out I decided on Rosie the Riveter.

Not to go all feminist and patriotic on you, but I have always loved this icon! Rosie is the face of a strong America. She is the face of the sacrifices women made to guard the home front and keep this country going so that our boys would have something to come home to all the while manufacturing the machinery they needed to win the war. I mean gosh, can you imagine what we could do with that kind of fire in politics today? All from an ad. 

Anyway, back to Halloween. :)

I give you the tutorial for all things Rosie. 

The Outfit

For this look I used a red knit headband (ideally though you should use a red bandanna, but I was fresh out) to go in my hair, a blue and white polka dot shirt from Old Navy (again though, a denim shirt is more authentic for this look), an old pair of higher-waisted jeans (none of the low rise that I normally wear), grey socks, and white keds. I buttoned all but the top two and bottom two buttons. The top was left open and the bottom I tied in a little knot. In the back you can either roll your shirt tail up a few times toward your body--that way the roll won't show--or you can do what I did, which was to tuck it into my pants. I rolled my sleeves up to just under my elbow, then pushed them up above for the more authentic, bunched look. Also, put a small cuff in the bottom of your jeans (however length will permit). Mine are rolled up twice to make a small 1"-3/4" cuff.

The Hair

For the most authenticity you will want to put your hair up in pin-curls. I found a great tutorial for that on YouTube!

**Disclaimer: This is actually a heatless curl tutorial, but I love this tutorial for pin up curls as well.**

Also, remember that if you choose to use this pin-up curl method, you'll need to first make a poof with your hair/curl your bangs so that you can keep modelling the Rosie the Riveter look. 

If you like MY look, this is what I did.

1. I curled my hair. Had I not warn my hair in a braid that day I would've just used my own natural curl. Basically, you'll just need some kind of curl to make the rest of the hair style easier. I have long hair and sometimes have a hard time getting my hair to hold curls (that aren't the ones I was born with), but I stumbled upon this tutorial that has really helped me!

2. I made a pretty basic poof with my "bangs" (which I actually don't have, but I'm not a hair person so I don't know what that section of your hair would be called). Basically I just separated the front section of my hair, about an inch thick starting right above my right temple and going up across the top of my head and down to that same spot above my left temple. With my comb I teased the hair and then combed the front to smooth it, before finally pinning it in place to create some body. The reason this poof is important is because throughout the night, whether you use a bandanna or a headband, it will be tugging on the front of your hair, if you don't have the poof to keep the volume in the front, you'll end up having it pull your hair tight against your head. Last time I checked, that went out of style with the 90s... Again, here's a great tutorial!

**Just a little side note, I pretty much live off of YouTube hair tutorials, even the ones made by little junior high girls.**

3. Next, I pulled all of my hair up into high ponytail, combing back all the flyaways and hair spraying GENEROUSLY. This part you actually want all of your hair to be tight against your head. Make sure there are no bumps or loose spots. I mean tight!  

4. The last step might be kind of confusing because I just made it up. I'll explain it and then maybe in a few days I can through together a quick hair tutorial video:
If your hair is like mine, it's very bouncy and full and fun after it's been curled with a curling iron, so you probably have a pretty full, fun ponytail at this point. All I did was start taking curls and pinning them all over around the ponytail to make what almost looks like a bun, but it's big and full. On me it probably had a six inch diameter. The closest I can illustrate it for you is in this tutorial, but skip to 3:43 and watch that "Arranging the Curls" section. See how some of her ends are just hanging out? That's good! I reiterate what she said, "Don't get too perfect with it!"

5. Finally I just slapped on the headband right behind my bang poof. I secured it with some bobby pins behind my ears, and directly below the bun.

The Make-Up


This was arguably the most fun part for me. I loved going all out. So, again I'm falling back on a tutorial here. A few tips though, you can use a fake eyelash if you want to, just not too huge, this should still be old-timey. Also, the eyebrows took my a few tries to get right. Follow the tutorial's curve exactly, because if you curve the brows too much or too little, it looks really bad (I got a little crazy with the eyebrow pencil and had to redo it a billion times). This is the exact tutorial I used:

And so, there you have it!! 
A simple, cost effective, meaningful, DIY Halloween costume!! Have fun with it, tweak it, and most of all...TRY IT!! 

Happy Halloween!!!! :)

Rosie the Riveter, the Minions, and The Cartoon Artist

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sounds Like Life to Me

"Sounds like life to me, plain old destiny.
Yeah the only thing for certain is uncertainty.
You gotta hold on tight and just enjoy the ride.
Get used to all this unpredictability.
Sounds like life!

Man I know it's tough, but you gotta suck it up.
To hear you talk you're caught up in some tragedy.
Sounds like life to me."

This is the chorus to one of my favorite pump-me-up-on-a-less-than-stellar-day songs. I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like life can't take a break from throwing you those curve balls. Just when you think it can't get worse, it goes and gets worse. My grandma once told me bad things happen in threes, so once you reach three, you're done and then things'll start going good again. Well, if you're reading this Grandma, I've disproved your theory. 

Maybe it's Murphy's Law, maybe a sick twist of fate, or maybe just bad luck. 

This is NOT a downer post. Keep reading!!

To give you a small glimpse into the bad luck that's befallen: stolen flash drive, bad grade in a class, dropped a class, took on 3 more credits, got a concussion, lost me short term memory of the 2 weeks prior to the concussion, out of school for a week (you added that right, now 3 weeks of missed school work), laptop had orange juice spilled on it (needed professional cleaning), back in school relearning all the material for midterms this upcoming week. 

Now, like I said this is not a downer post. All that seems pretty bad for a fresh, new college kid all out on her own, right? Well, that's what I thought too. I spent the better parts of those first three days that I was recovering from the concussion angry and bitter at how such things could happen to me! Then this week as I returned to school and things were getting hard again I was just so mad! 

As I mentioned in the first post, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka a Mormon). So naturally, these things felt like a tremendous test of my faith. I was questioning my Father in Heaven about why all this was happening to me. 

While scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed one day this week--I was taking a break from my discouraging studying--I stumbled across this picture:

Now, if you've never heard Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, member or not, I highly recommend it! He is a powerful speaker. When I read this, I knew I needed to look at the bigger picture, stop freaking out, and be humble. I decided to make a change...or four.

1. No more complaining about what had happened.

I always thought I had more sense than to be a complainer, but it turns out, when my parents weren't there to remind me to have a good attitude, I was miserable. You know that friend, the one we all have, who never seems to be in a good mood? You say, "Hey there so-and-so, how's it going?" And their reply EVERY TIME is, "Eh, I'm okay," or "Not that great, but it's fine." And you just have the hardest time with those friends because you want to say, "Get in a good mood!" (name that movie). Yeah, I was THAT friend. Can you say pity party? I will not forget the moment that hit me. Life is too great to be fine or okay. Especially in my situation. I am blessed to be going to school, living, breathing, working hard. So no more complaining for me! 

2. No more looking at the stack of work I still needed to complete.

I have two classes that are kicking my trash. The work is hard and time consuming, they are for my major (not general credits) and they will affect the outcome of my graduate school. Let's just say, missing a week of those classes and forgetting another two weeks is a little inconvenient. Staring at that stack of work is intimidating. Staring at that stack and the stack of all my other classes work makes a person feel like they're drowning. Which leads right to number three! 

3. Take pride in the little accomplishments.

Honestly, when I stopped focusing on everything I needed to do, and started focusing on all I had accomplished, I felt empowered!! Think about when you are on a hike. I grew up in Utah, and I love my mountains dearly. When you hike a mountain, it's hard to look up at how far you have to go. When you get to the top, do you keep looking up? NO! You look down at the view and at how far you've come! The same goes with tasks like make-up work. There's a level of excitement and power that comes from looking at your work and saying, "Heck yeah! I accomplished that!" It doesn't matter if you finished a  two question worksheet or a one hundred question exam.

4. Take sporadic breaks from studying to give my mind a break and give my soul some TLC.

Life isn't supposed to be miserable. Even in the hardest times we need to have fun and find the joy. Hitting the books for 6 and 8 hour stretches may work sometimes, it may even work all the time for some people (like superhuman people, or general authorities), but it has NOT been working for me as of late. So, I told myself, "Okay, how about three hours and then a break." My breaks? Country Dancing, exercising, blogging, watching Grey's Anatomy (my current favorite on Netflix), doing laundry, baking, basically anything that doesn't remotely resemble studying. And you know what? I found my joy.


Life throws you some curve balls, sometimes it may even throw you a whole bucket-full! But honestly, it won't last forever. Concussions heal, laptops are fixed, school work gets done, and before long you start recognizing the blessings again. With Thanksgiving coming up in just over a month, I'm feeling even more in tune with my blessings. I am blessed profusely by my Heavenly Father. Sometimes the blessings are temporal, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes they're blessings that are disguised as challenges, because even those help us learn and grow. To those who may be struggling right now, whatever the struggle is, remember that you're not alone in this world. You can find help from all sorts of people. 

My last thought:

I was having a particularly tough day about a week and a half ago, and I felt like I'd never make it. Dramatic? Yes. Legitimate feeling? Yes. I couldn't help but question what I was doing here, far from home, away from my family and friends, stuck in a rut. About the time I was going to go in my room and take a nap--for the umpteenth time that day--I heard a loud knock in the door. Being the crotchety little lady I was that day, I grumbled all the way to the door. When I opened the door, I was shocked! A girl from one of my classes was standing on the porch with my notes form class, a slice of apple pie, and a bag of gummy bears. I couldn't even believe it! We hadn't ever hung out, or really had a full conversation. But there, I had found a friend and she gave me hope. Since then, we've hung out and gained a friendship that I know is true.

You're never alone, people are aware of you whether you know it or not.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Well It's Bulls and Blood, It's Dust And Mud


This past weekend I was in my VERY FIRST RODEO. My event?

Women's Steer Riding

It was quite an adventure (to say the least). If you're in for a wild ride, READ ON!!

Alright, so what you just saw was my whopping 3.5 second ride.
You also saw my killer wipe-out.
There's still some speculation as to whether I was knocked out by the steer and then landed on my head, or was knocked out BECAUSE I landed on my head. You decide!
Either way, I ended up being unconscious for approximately 2-4 seconds and then (apparently) jumped up and gave a big thumbs up to the crowd! Upon walking out of the arena, my roommates quickly realized that perhaps a hospital visit was in order.
This is the story of my killer concussion...

I don't know what all you know about concussions, but here are a few quick facts:

1. A concussion is a brain injury and ALL are serious.
2. It is the swelling of the brain against the skull.
3. Most concussions occur WITHOUT loss of consciousness.
4. Recognizing a concussion when it first occurs helps prevent further injury or even death!

I guess this is where I should be concerned?!

Meanwhile back at the hospital:

When I arrived at the emergency room I was incoherent.
**Disclaimer: All of the next text is as told to me by my two roommates, I didn't remember any of my behavior.**
As the doctor began my examination, I had no recollection of time. My most recent memories were those of summer vacation in July. I recognized my roommates (but I thought I only knew them from Facebook connecting before the start of the school year). As the doctor started asking me questions I was able to tell her the date but didn't remember anything! I knew I had been steer riding (and scolded myself for stupidity) and that I must've come off onto my head. I also kept asking if my mom knew and if she was mad. When I say I kept asking, I mean I kept asking.
I've always loved Dory, off of Finding Nemo. After this weekend's experience I appreciate her on a whole new level.

So if you haven't seen the movie, you get the idea?
Well, that was me. On almost a perfect rotation I would ask the same questions:
Is it the 11th?
Did I ride a steer?
Did I land on my head?
Does my mom know?
Is she mad?
She's mad, huh?
Is it the 11th?
You get the idea.
I had no clue a concussion could do this to someone! Here I sit, 6 days later, and I still have parts of my short term memory that I will never get back! I don't remember anything I've been taught in classes over the last week and a half. I have no memory of the steer ride OR ride to the hospital. I didn't know the names of friends I had made in my classes. I didn't even know my class schedule there for a while. 
The upside to this whole experience? 
My mom is not mad, just glad I'm okay (such a mom answer).
I don't remember the potentially traumatizing experience. ;)
I now relate to one of my all time favorite Disney Characters.

So maybe those aren't the best "upsides" but this just serves as a warning to all readers of the next few blog posts. If they seem scatter brained, know that I'm not a terrible blogger and give me the benefit of the doubt. Heck, I didn't even remember I had a blog until today. I suppose this is my plea. Most blogs have rocky starts anyway, but this one is extra rocky, loopy, and concussion-y. Bare with my cyberspace! 

And as my final salutation to you for the evening I give you my new favorite phrase to holler at my roommates:

"Come on ladies!! I'm CONCUSSED!!"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Let's Get a Little Mud On The Tires

Well Howdy Hey!!

First post on the brand new blog and I cannot even contain my excitement. You know, this last summer I worked for Shelley over at House of Smiths and really got curious about the whole blogging world. Now that I'm in college I suppose I'm going through that transition-to-adulthood phase where I just really feel like I want to change the world. And so I got to thinking what I have to offer to people near and far. I've narrowed it down to three things:

1. I have Celiac Disease and have TONS of little tips for gluten-free living. Some I've learned the hard way, some the slightly easier way.

2. I am out to make my dreams come true. More explanation on that one later, but basically I'm breaking the trend and really striking out into a field that is uncommon for people with my background (I've got your attention now, eh?).

3. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and am all about connecting with new people and learning about all the diverse ideas in the world. 

So that's me! I welcome questions or comments! As we get further along in this whole blogging thing (and hopefully as I am able to reach more people) I'd love to hear your questions about anything! Like I said, comments or questions below OR my fancy-shmancy blog e-mail

One of my roommates is super passionate about public relations, networking, connecting, and influencing people all over the place, I think it's safe to say she's rubbing off on me. One thing she's shown me though, is there's enough bad in the world. It's so in style to be bad and negative right now, that if you really want to strike out and be unique, you've gotta be the good. So, I'm breaking the style mold and hoping to be a little good. I look forward to my first "real" post and just can't wait to dive all in! 

So until next time, how's about a big ole Nighty Night!