Thursday, May 15, 2014

I'm Vlog Lovin'!!

Today I decided to take the 21 day video challenge. Every day, for 21 days, I will post a video to YouTube. Today I started with a Vlog!! Here's a link. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

That's What Friends Are For

High School was...not my most favorite time of life. Since coming to college, I have not missed it, I have not looked back, and I have not longed for those years again. Any time anyone tells me I'll miss it or that they were the best years of my life, I call them crazy. 

Today, I was hit with a feeling I've never felt before. I never want to go back to high school. I like the progress I'm making and the experiences I'm having. However, I was hit with bittersweet feelings I never anticipated today. I realized that I miss some people. My friends from high school are spread far and wide at different schools, in different states, and on LDS missions in different countries. Every Monday I eagerly anticipate my missionary emails. I love reading about the weeks those faithful missionaries have had. Today I read a line in one of my letters:

"Reminds me for some reason of the time we ended up being a little spontaneous on a date and ended up dancing on top of a mountain, and running through the sprinklers of the capitol building.  Those were good times."

Quite unexpectedly, I felt a lump in my throat and a dull ache down in the part of my heart that hardened against that awkward phase of my life. It served as an excellent reminder to me. Those were comparatively easier times. I had less responsibility, less pressure, and less stress. I had long time friends and I have some great memories.

Times are different now. I wouldn't trade this stage of my life for anything. My reminder was this: Life moves fast. Don't ever wish the time away. I spent a lot of time in high school, wishing for college. Now I'm here, and I'm working to learn to live in appreciation of the moments that make life sweet so that I don't have to look back with a lump in my throat at an excellent experience that I forgot. 


On the opposite end of this spectrum. I was also blessed today to spend time with the people here at school that are most important to me today. We visited, caught up, and talked about the new semester. We talked about sad things, happy things, hard knocks, and triumphs here at school. As I spoke with each individual that I love so dearly, I felt that same lump as I recognized my tremendous blessings.  God is great and merciful. He never leaves us alone. We will forever rub shoulders with extraordinary people that enrich our lives and fill them with precious moments.

I know my Heavenly Father has blessed me and continues to bless me as I go about my life He always sends people my way that make my life sweet and meaningful. I will always be indebted to Him for that. Too those who mean the world to me both past and present, I love you and am privileged to know y'all.

And now, pictures of some of my sweetest moments with the friends I've made in my life.




Life is too short to go through it alone. Family is most important, but I hope that I can remember that family doesn't have to be blood relation.

Hug your friends today.